Sunday, June 10, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend pictures, last weekend, and this weekend.

Alright, so there are the pictures from Somerville weekend ... My computer was acting up until now and wouldn't let me post them.
Ok, so last weekend was ... SAT2s and the State TT. Pretty uneventful. They messed up my time at the TT, so I protested and got it lowered by 7 minutes and got second place. Not amazing, but not horrible. Storm got screwed over because 2 kids didn't really roll out in time and should have gotten DQed but didn't ... so he got 3rd in out of state men. Not bad anyways. Loren won jr. womens, Nik won junior mens. Carter looked like he was going to pass out.
After, we went to brunch with Storm as his mom. By the way, Storm's mom and Greg's mom are roughly the same person. It's pretty excellent.
So that was fun ... Then we drove all 2.5 hours home - in traffic. FUN.
So this weekend was the Watermelon crit ... Perfect race - .8 mile course, small hill, 4 corner, 40 minutes. Easy. So all was going well, I was sitting 3rd-5th wheel most of the time, and then there was an attack and I got swallowed into the field. BAAAAD. So I decided to spend the rest of the time moving back up in the field. Anne, from Riptide, was right next to me, so I figured that she was a good wheel to attach myself to. So we're about to go into 2 to go, and we're going into the 3rd corner. I take an outside line, because honestly, I didn't have any other choice - I was sort of boxed in. The woman in front of me totally locked up, and I was outside of her wheel, so it was either hit her wheel or swerve into the gravel. I don't remember which one I did, but I went down hard, and two other women went down with me. So now I have a nice, large patch of road burn on the back top of my left thigh - right under my butt, and a HUUUGE bruise on my left upper arm. Very uncomfortable. I'm really pissed at whoever was in front of me ... and that I probably won't be able to ride until Wednesday or something.
Pat got second in juniors to Taylor Kahl, and got a pineapple. Pat's dad also has rediculous amounts of ice in his car. Excellent people.
Storm came over last night and slept over, that was fun ... We went to a carnival in my town for a little while, made fun of the goth people, went to A&P, got tuna steaks as they were being taked out of the case, went to Blockbuster and got Employee of the Month and ... I forgot what the other movie was. We saw the first once, started the second one, and fell asleep. We both woke up 2 or 3 times during the night, for like a half hour at a time ... And then woke up for good at 11, had pancakes with my parents, chilled for awhile, and then went to lunch on Greenwood Lake. He just left, and now I have to study for finals and try to take a shower without screaming TOO much.
By the way - props to Andy for winning High Bridge, Storm for getting top 15 in p123 at Prospect Park, Pat for taking home a pineapple yesterday and for putting up with a "very frusterating cat 3 race", and Nina for winning open women's at Watermelon yesterday.


Pseudoeuphonious said...

Ouch. Now zip up your jersey. Don't wanna see that.

Anonymous said...

rrrr i have problems with my messenger :( i miss you!!
you are the best!!

Mr. RWP said...

i was there. that was the toughest first crit i have ever done.

Mr. RWP said...

oh yes, the smogg, and heat, crazy.